WE HELP COMPANIES reduce friction WITHIN their sales force THROUGH compensation design by eliminating 3 key elements:
PAIN – What is not working in your sales and sales compensation processes? Is your company’s sales compensation plan tied to the P&L? Is your company as profitable and competitive as you want or need to be? Is sales force turnover and recruitment hurting company profits and losing market share? Can your company grow with its current sales compensation plan?
CONFLICT – Is your sales compensation plan losing your company money? Does your sales compensation plan keep top performers from achieving all they can? Does your plan actually help your competition? Do your top sales representatives really see the plan the way you think it works, or do they want changes?
WASTE - What is being done that does not add value to your company, the sales representative, or the customer? What types of waste are costing your company and the sales representative’s money? How much time and money is spent doing nothing related to the sales process?
Increased Competitive Advantage - our design of sales compensation plans truly work for the company and sales force
Revenue and Profitability - our plans tie all sales compensation to the company's profit-and-loss statement
Increased Profitability - we generate ROI in less than one year
Key Talent Retention - Companies using our plans have a high level of top talent retention - up to 97%
Sales Force Productivity Increase - our plans increase sales productivity - by as much as 30% +
Owners striving for a happier environment with their sales force
Frustrated or disappointed with their profit-and-loss results
Realizing their current sales compensation is not tied to their profit-and-loss
Experiencing or fearful of sales force turnover
Looking for transformational change
Having a need to improve sales force competitiveness
Looking to improve sales performance through compensation plan choice
Protecting shareholder value from the competition
“CompensationMaster software and customized methodology can accurately predict the results of your new sales compensation strategies - BEFORE you introduce the plans.”