CM Global Partner's CEO, David J. Cocks, has recently been interviewed by David Massover in an Ebook titled Your Front Line Sales Manager - Glorified Sales Rep or Driver of Growth.
We are thrilled to share the below with our community - below note from David Massover:
Being a front line sales manager or the executive that front line salespeople report to is tough - and even tougher when they have a personal quota to meet.
So which is it? Should front line sales managers sell to their own accounts and if so how much - and how does that impact their ability to help the salespeople who report to them do better...
In other words, which role is right - individual contributor or team leader?
In many cases, it is a little of both, and in most - not enough of the leader part, and a lot of conflict between the two roles!
To help open up this question, I interviewed six sales experts from a variety of perspectives and compiled their interviews into a “simulated panel discussion eBook” called Your Front Line Sales Manager - Glorified Sales Rep or Driver of Growth.